Working With You To Overcome Immigration Obstacles

Avoid these mistakes when seeking a hardship waiver

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2024 | Immigration

If you or a loved one has been deemed inadmissible into the United States, then you may need to seek a waiver. These waivers are based on a showing of extreme hardship. When considering whether to grant a hardship waiver, the government will analyze a number of factors, including family separation, financial difficulties, and lack of medical care in one’s country of origin.

Yet, waivers can be hard to secure. So, if you’re hoping to obtain one, then you need to know how to properly complete your application and how to avoid errors that are likely to lead to waiver denial.

Errors to avoid when seeking an immigration waiver

The waiver process can be confusing. As a result, it’s easy to make a costly mistake. Here are some that you’ll want to avoid:

  • Submitting an incomplete application and incomplete supporting documentation.
  • Providing inaccurate or false information.
  • Failing to provide persuasive evidence of extreme hardship.
  • Missing key filing deadlines.

You need to be thorough and persuasive in your application. So, be as detailed as possible while ensuring that you’re painting a picture of the extreme hardship you’ll face if your waiver application is denied. Remember, this is your opportunity to tell your story.

Don’t be daunted by the immigration process

The United States’ immigration laws are complex. If you fail to abide by them, then your immigration requests are bound to be denied. As stressful as that can be, don’t let your fears drive you to give up or to put forth a half-hearted effort. Now is the time to gain understanding of how immigration laws apply to your set of circumstances.