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The Notice to Appear that begins removal proceedings

On Behalf of | Apr 22, 2024 | Immigration

Florida residents who find themselves subject to removal proceedings probably have more questions than answers. After all, the immigration system in America can seem overwhelmingly confusing. But, if removal proceedings do begin, you should receive an official Notice to Appear that starts the legal process.

Notice to Appear basics

The Notice to Appear – sometimes commonly referred to as an NTA – is a form that is filed with an immigration court by the government. It states the basic facts about the case. For example, the NTA should provide relevant information about why the removal proceedings are toing to be held. This includes the alleged violations that form the basis for the action, the legal authority to proceed with removal and the specifics about charges.

Further information in the NTA concerns the details of what might happen if the respondent does not appear as directed. The NTA also directs respondents to immediately provide their correct phone number and address contact information.

It can be scary to receive one of these notices. It’s important to remember that Florida residents who are subject to removal proceedings have rights. In fact, the NTA should inform respondents of their rights to counsel, for instance.

If you find yourself facing a removal proceeding after receiving a NTA, you may have options. You can defend yourself from these actions and, possibly, achieve a result that differs from the “removal” that these proceedings seek to obtain. If you have more questions than answers, be sure to get the right information about the options that apply to your specific situation