When you obtain a temporary green card, you have the same rights as a U.S. citizen. However, this is not the same as being a permanent resident. Your temporary green card, also called a conditional green card, is issued for two years. During this time, you can live...
Working With You To Overcome Immigration Obstacles
Avoid these mistakes when seeking a green card
Securing a green card can give you the permanent status that you want and need to be successful in the United States. Yet, the process isn’t as easy as it may seem. In fact, the immigration system in the United States is notoriously complex, and there are several...
Help is available for those seeking asylum
Having pride and devotion to your home country is common in America, but many people in the world aren’t so lucky. Some foreign nationals decide to flee their home country and come to the United States because they fear to remain where they are. Seeking asylum is not...
Data shows big increase in certain work visas
Work visas provide ways for foreign nationals to come to the United States in order to work in certain occupations and industries. However, there are different types of work visas and each has its own requirements and limitations. These can change when Congress passes...
Taking steps toward naturalization
For many Florida residents, naturalization to become a U.S. citizen is a dream. If you are interested in taking the appropriate steps toward naturalization, you need to know what to expect. Naturalization basics For starters, naturalization is only needed if a person...
Obtaining a fiancé visa in Florida
U.S. citizens who travel abroad sometimes meet a person who is a potential lifetime partner. The natural instinct in most such cases is to move both parties to the United States and seek a visa or other document that will permit the foreign-born person to remain in...
What justifies appeal of an immigration decision?
Being hit with an adverse immigration decision can be heart-breaking. It might prevent you from staying in the United States, or it could prevent your loved ones from coming to America to join you. Regardless of your specific set of circumstances, a denied immigration...
Can I bring family members if I am seeking asylum?
Immigrants come to Florida for many reasons. Often, they want to secure employment, get an education or be near family members. For some, it is a matter of safety. There are places around the world where people are persecuted for various reasons. To try and find a...
Seeking asylum and navigating the process
The reason, timing and way a foreign national immigrates to the United States can vary tremendously. While some immigrate for new opportunities, to marry their citizen spouse, to advance their education or to reunite with their family, others enter the United States...
Am I eligible for cancellation of removal?
The immigration process can be stressful for many Florida residents, especially if there is a risk they will be removed and prevented from returning. If you are facing removal proceedings, you may be eligible to apply for a cancellation of removal. Applying for...